well well

here we go, a new blogg but where to start?...hard hard!
do I go back and talk about what has been or what is to come..?...well well.
lets do a quick update, working nights now n enjoying it, have to get my driving license to keep my job so I guess its time to grow up in that sense, sharing a flat with my sister which reminds me I have to do the dishes...sux!
But on the plus side Forum is coming up soon and we all know what that means.....drinking n partying for 3days, afterskii n crazy drinking games.....so sweet!

some of you might be wondering why my blog is in english and the simple answere is that I want all my friends to be able to read it, and most of my friends are down under so thats that.

well I better get started on those dishes but I'll be back soon to keep talking about nothing and everything..
see us soon


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