
Hey everyone!!
So drunk right now....but still writing...
So whats new, just came off 3nights n got 2 nights off now and then Im working 2night but after that Im off 4 1 week and Im gonna be drunk in spring forum in Vemdalen its gonna be wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting some blue contacts next week n hopefully I can wear them next weekend when Im gonna be f*cked outta my brain....cant wait its gonna be freaky!!!
Talking to Julia right now n thinking that I really love this girl, she is wonderfull n lovely!!!!
She is the smartest girl in my life n I grow for everytime I talk to her!!
Im missing all of my Saffas,Kiwis and Aussies...cant wait to get enough money to go travelling, but no matter what  I will get to Oz  n to Nz.
We are talking bout the unknown and its amazing no matter what any of you will think there is something  out there...
Planing a trip to london and the Gen in august and I hope that Julia will come wif me.....?
would be great to go back wif Julia bcoz the first time I went back to london (after Dylan died) it was with Julia and I would love  to be back in london and at the Gen again.... so sweet soooo many memories!!!!
Good luck wif the ghosts darl!!!!...loving on u sweets  

Happy birthday to you....


Oh my god how fast a year goes by, little Amanda is turning 1 today and sadly Im not there to sing happy birthday but I will be soon... she is such a little freak, funny ,crazy and beautiful ( like her mum)..and in september she will have a little sister to play with...I really feel for you Elin, its gonna be nonstop action but I promise to help in any way I can.
right now Im down in handsjon with my sister and the weather has been crappy all weekend but more time to just sit and relax.
So my dad is turning 70yo and he is finally ready to move away from home, and its a good thing. but ha is only moving about 20km away but still a big step for him and me and the family are happy for him 

well well

here we go, a new blogg but where to start?...hard hard!
do I go back and talk about what has been or what is to come..?...well well.
lets do a quick update, working nights now n enjoying it, have to get my driving license to keep my job so I guess its time to grow up in that sense, sharing a flat with my sister which reminds me I have to do the dishes...sux!
But on the plus side Forum is coming up soon and we all know what that means.....drinking n partying for 3days, afterskii n crazy drinking sweet!

some of you might be wondering why my blog is in english and the simple answere is that I want all my friends to be able to read it, and most of my friends are down under so thats that.

well I better get started on those dishes but I'll be back soon to keep talking about nothing and everything..
see us soon

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